For sale


Exceptional piece of “Monastic work”,  so-called “Kloster-Arbeit”, totally handmade.
Black wooden oval frame with globe.
The Holy Family dressed  in silk with hand-painted faces.
Many relics of Saints and relics from Holy Places.
Dimensions: 55 x 47 cm; Southern Netherlands, anno about 1840.
Relics inside : Ex Sepulcro S.s. Inocentium, Piece Clothing of St Mary, S Theresiae Virg, Piece S Joan Bapt, M.M. Alacoque, De monte Janiculus, St Franc d Ass, S. Maria de Pazzi, Voile B. Maria Lauret, B.Jos. Mar. Jonnasi, Piece clothing / bandages of child Jesus,  Piece of stone Cave St Mary Lourd, Ex S. Praesepio D.N. Jesu Christi., Piece Plant/crop of Lourd.

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